Tuesday, 21 August 2012

23Kg allowance..........

It is now 10 days until I leave and I have finally gathered most of my equipment ready for my trip.  The main reason for this post is to thank the various companies who have given me discount and advice on their gear. I am sure that I will give a much better review of each product once they have been taken to their limits and been battered around a bit.
 A 23Kg allowance. I haven't weighed it yet......
The most logical place to start with is under-layers. Whilst gathering advice the material "Marino Wool" was repeated more times than I can count. Icebreaker were my preferred band, mainly for comfort of fit  and cost. They offer a variety of weight options which increase in insulation. I went for the 260g, thickest weave. The other gradations felt a little to leisurely to be of any use.   Possibly the next logical piece of kit is footwear. I was lucky enough to receive great help from SOREL who discounted a pair of Wool lined Caribou boots, rated to minus 40.
 Montane were as equally helpful. I managed to almost complete the rest of the set with more under-layers, gloves, trousers, fleece and coat. The most exciting thing to mention here is the glove attachment hoops on the jacket. I am somewhat reminded of the length of wool mothers sew onto mittens to run through school coats.

Stealing was not quite necessary as begging and borrowing sufficed to get the rest. A brother in the forces and years in the Air Training Corps meant that water proofs and combat trousers were in good supply. Other accessories such as Marino socks and polar buffs were easily bought from Millets and Mountain Warehouse who were both kind enough to discount their stock.

The phrase "you don't know until you try" is definitely applicable here. I was surprised by each and every positive reply and would have had a much harder time funding my trip if it wasn't for these helpful companies. So in short- Thank you.